Disability Employment Services

Finding the right opportunity for you

Disability Employment Services with MAX - the support you need to find the work you want

It’s important to find a provider that suits you. Our Disability Employment Services are all about understanding you and your goals. We want to do more than find you a job, we want to help you achieve your career and life goals.

We’ll take the time to get to know you, understand your skills and abilities and what kind of support suits you best. Together we will come up with a plan to set you on a path towards the right job.

We’ll stick with you once you’re in work, continuing to assist both you and your employer. We go the extra mile to understand your new workplace and consider potential  adjustments or workplace modifications so you have the best chance of success.

Compliance measures for job seekers are changing from March

If you're living with an injury, illness or disability, and want to find a job, MAX can help.

•  Support in finding potential careers or jobs that suit you

•  Job application support including resumes, cover letters and interview coaching Introductions to potential employers,work placements or even a work trial  

•  Access to jobs with trusted small or national employer partners 

•  Access to in house health professionals including psychologists and exercise physiologists 

•  Soft skills and role specific training 

•  Help with transport, tools and uniform costs 

•  Support in work

Inclusive Employment Australia

From 1st July, DES will become Inclusive Employment Australia, a new employment service for people with Disability. Announcements will follow about the rollout of the new Inclusive Employment Australia program and we will be in touch with our customers once more information is available. 

Get started with Disability Employment Services

Register with us

If you are receiving a support payment, it's important we let Centrelink know that you’d like us to provide you with Disability Employment Services (DES). You can do this at your Centrelink appointment or talk to us if you’d like support through that process. Otherwise you can simply talk to our team to register for services. At your first appointment, we will help you check your eligibility.

We can also assist you to get to your first appointment with us. Our offices are located close to Centrelink offices and public transport links, but if you need assistance, just ask.

Tell us about you

When you come to a MAX office, your consultant will begin to get to know you, your experiences and your goals for the future. You can also speak to our team about any concerns you may have.

Together we will develop a plan that is unique to you and sets you on the path to preparing for, finding and keeping the right job for you.

You might want to learn new skills for a particular job. We have a range of training programs that can prepare you for work. We can also help you with job applications and paying for things you might need such as work tickets, licences and interview clothes.

    Apply for jobs

    We can work with you to make sure your resume and cover letter give you the best chance possible when you apply for jobs.

    You will have access to local job opportunities offered exclusively on our online job portal, MAXConnect and access to Word to create, edit or update your resume. We can also directly contact potential employers on your behalf to develop new opportunities that suit you.

    We can also provide interview preparation advice and support including plenty of techniques and tips so you feel more comfortable. If you’d like assistance travelling to your interview, buying clothes, or if you want us to come with you to meet your employer, we can do that.

    We’re here to give you the best chance of landing that job.

    Start your new job

    Our support doesn’t stop when you find a job. The first few days and weeks of work can take some getting used to. When you start, you might need to spend money on additional items like uniforms, travel and food for lunch. We can provide financial support so you can stay on top of these additional costs.

    You’ll be meeting new people and learning new tasks so we will stay in touch with you, making sure you’re happy and comfortable. We can support you through any challenges that may arise. These could be concerns with your new employer or more practical things like pay, taking leave or transport issues.

    View our In Work Support Guide to learn more. Terms and conditions apply.

    Supporting you into the future

    As you continue working, the first few months are likely to be exciting and sometimes difficult as you find your routine and settle in. We will stay in touch for as long as you need, addressing any issues that arise.

    We provide financial support at one, three and six months of employment to help with groceries, bills or other new costs such as travel and clothing.

    If you experience any changes to your health or personal life, we can link you with our dedicated health team or other community assistance.

    Our team is here for you. See our In Work Support Guide to understand more about the different ways we can support you. Terms and conditions apply.

    What are Disability Employment Services (DES)

    Disability Employment Services are available to people with disability to support them as they look for work.

    Depending on the level of support you need, you will be able to access either the Disability Management Service or the Employment Support Service. This will be assessed through a disability assessment to ensure you receive the level of support that's right for you.

    If you have any questions about Disability Employment Services, you can visit our FAQs page.

    Find out if you’re eligible 

    To be eligible for Disability Employment Services, you must:

    •  Have a disability, injury or health condition

    •  Be an Australian resident, or eligible visa holder

    •  Be between 14 and 65  years old

    •  Be receiving an income support payment or disability support pension, or you are an NDIS participant or eligible school leaver.

    •   Be able to work at least eight hours per week 

    •  Not be studying full time (eligible school leavers may be exempt, talk to us for details)

    •  Not be currently working at, or more than, your assessed work capacity.

    If you are not sure if you are eligible, don't worry. Just contact us and ask. 

    If you are already receiving an income support payment, you could also talk with us directly to register with MAX.

    Success Stories

    a person holding an apple in a grocery store

    Inclusivity: one of many “good things” happening at Coles

    Laura is now enjoying working with the Coles team

    a man and a woman sitting at a table

    Reunited at work after 20 years

    Sharleane found a role near her new home in Hervey Bay

    Get in touch with MAX

    For more information or to register with us, please leave your details below and we will call you back to arrange an appointment.