MAX Health delivers a range of allied health, workplace health and disability support.

We focus on empowering both employers and employees with the same level of confidence and understanding. MAX works with individuals and organisations.

From initial assessments to preparing for employment or in work support, we provide customers with the tools, knowledge and confidence to manage their health.

Whether living with existing or acquired disability, or other health conditions, we help to build confidence and open doors to fresh opportunities.

Student customer in classroom

A healthy workforce is a key priority for all organisations

Employee Assistance Program

A fully confidential counselling service available to assist employees and immediate family members in managing personal and work related concerns. The service is provided by qualified psychologists and social workers so you can be confident they are in good hands.

In-work support

Through our work in employment services, we support employers and new employees to ensure that any health concerns that may impact work are proactively managed.

Pre-Employment Medical Assessments

Employees who are safely performing the requirements of their roles are vital to any organisation. Our wide range of medical assessments and services help assess and manage risk.

Injury management services

InitialCARE, our 24/7/365 early injury management service, is your first line of defence against injuries and illnesses giving your workers the care they need with just one call.

Contact our friendly customer team to get started