Contact us

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General enquiry

Please complete this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


Our Services

MAX Employment

Disability Employment Services
Housing Employment Program

Browns Plains - 0407 958 150
Bundaberg - 0459 097 145

Victoria Point - 0433 634 955
Goodna - 0425 419 215

MAX Health

Child and Family Services
Employee Assistance Program
Health and Wellness Group Sessions

National Panel of Assessors (NPA)
NDIS Therapy Services
Students with Disability Assessment Service
Psychology and Counselling Clinic

MAX Learning

MAX Solutions RTO

RTO ID 0667

Stirling Institute of Australia

RTO ID 21132 | CRICOS CODE 03797M

Need Health Support?

Talk to someone in our health team

Talk to someone in our health team

If you need urgent help or are in an emergency, please dial 000.
Alternatively please call:

Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Respect Domestic Family Violence Service: 1800 737 732

If you need urgent help or are in an emergency, please dial 000.

Alternatively please call:

Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Respect Domestic Family Violence Service: 1800 737 732