Workforce Australia

Employment Services

Every person has different needs when it comes to looking for work. By understanding you, your circumstances and where you want to go, we can establish the right support to help you achieve your goals.

Using a combination of face to face, digital and phone-based contact, our relationship with you is the key to make sure we know how to support you best.

workforce australia

Compliance measures for job seekers are changing from March

What is Workforce Australia?

As of July 4th 2022, a number of employment and skills services delivered by Government will come under the name Workforce Australia. Replacing jobactive, employment services in Workforce Australia will be split in to a number of different programs including:

  • Online Services
  • Enhanced Services
  • Career transition Assistance
  • Transition to Work
  • Parents Next
  • Specialist services for people with different backgrounds.

At MAX, we deliver Enhanced Services, Parents Next and Enhanced Services for Ex-Offenders under Workforce Australia. You can find more about what we deliver at a location near you by using the locations button.

What you can expect

Initial Contact

At your first appointment, there are a few things we will need to do:

  • Sign any initial paperwork and consent forms
  • Look at a job plan and a customer support plan to ensure you have what you need to progress to employment
  • Complete your 'Getting to Know You' questionnaire in MAXConnect. You can do this ahead of time using the instructions below.
  • Ensure you have the Workforce Australia service linked to MyGov.

It's important that you check through your welcome pack to ensure you understand the service, know what support is available and how to get in touch if you need help.

Getting to Know You

It is important for us to understand you as a person, not just someone who is looking for work. From the outset, we will Get to Know You by asking you about things such as:

  • Personal goals
  • Career goals
  • Skills and experience
  • Interests and hobbies that could link to a vocational pathway
  • Motivation
  • Circumstances that may impact your job prospects

These considerations help guide us to jointly set goals and actions. These are captured in your Individual Support Plan and will inform your Job Plan. Your Job Plan also identifies actions and activities to help fulfil your Mutual Obligation requirements.

Digital Support

MAXConnect is a customer platform that provides 24/7 resources and support for our customers, available online or via mobile and integrates with your service with us:

  • MAXConnect - It has a range of features to help support your job search.

Work preparation and resources

Your Job Coach will:

  • Arrange a schedule of contact frequency and mode
  • Coordinate support with physical and mental health coaches and community health providers where required
  • Introduce you to suitable group activities
  • Check progress and update your Job Plan
  • Support you to identify and connect with activities to help meet your Mutual Obligation requirements and monthly Points Based Activation Target
  • Connect you with meaningful work and work like activities to improve employability skills and prospects

Assistance into work

  • Asking questions to Get Ready for Work to identify support requirements you might need so you can be successful
  • A focus on identifying roles you are most likely to succeed in informed by your co-designed Individual Support Plan
  • Access to work experience, activities and employment with our employer and community networks
  • Job tasters, Qualify and Prepare sessions from our Employer Business Centre teams
  • Send you job alerts and updates
  • Job fairs in person and on-line

In Work Support

Staying connected is an important part of our work to help you perform at your best in your new role - even if you find the job yourself. Your Individual Support Plan will detail how we do that best and might include:

  • An agreed phone call schedule for us stay in touch with both you and your new employer
  • Place of work visits both before and after to help you settle in
  • Onsite mentoring and mediation for you and your employer where needed
  • Specialised Health Coach support to identify problems or issues that might prevent you from staying in work
  • Connections to other community support services

Help us 'Get to Know You'.

By logging in to MAXConnect and completing the Getting to Know You section, we can make sure your appointments and the work we look for are better suited to you and your circumstances.

It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All your responses remain confidential, will not be shared with employers and will not impact your Centrelink payments.

getting to know you - maxconnect jobmatch

Points Based Activation System

For individuals getting income support with mutual obligation requirements, Workforce Australia is introducing a new Points Based Activation System (PBAS). PBAS will give you more choice and flexibility in how you meet your obligations each reporting period. You’ll complete tasks and activities to earn the points you need to meet your individually tailored points target.

What’s the difference between online services and enhanced services in Workforce Australia?

If you are unemployed and ready to look for work, you will start in the new online services part of Workforce Australia. This service is delivered by the Government and will help you look for jobs, report your own activities looking for work and manage your service online or via the Digital Services Contact Centre.

Enhanced services delivered by MAX provide people with additional support in building skills, experience and progressing towards employment. Central to that is the relationship with your consultant who can help ensure that your plan towards employment is going to help you become successful in finding sustainable employment that suits your circumstances. We will also be able to link you with other community services including our own Training and Health teams who can provide more specialised support.

What is workforce Australia online?

Workforce Australia Online is for those that may not require as much support to get in to work. The Workforce Australia platform provides a range of digital services that can aid your job search as well as self-manage things like the recording of your mutual obligations or enrolling in further study.

Some of the tools you can find on Workforce Australia include:

  • Tools to improve your resume.
  • Information and links for study and training options.
  • Career guidance and skill-matched job portal.
  • Online learning and links to support programs.
  • A dedicated Digital Services support team.

If you find that you require more support than what is available within the Workforce Australia Online platform, you can still request to join a Workforce Australia Services provider like MAX.