Our Customer Promise

We believe every person has the right to opportunity

Our services help people to see a different future for themselves. By understanding the needs of the people, we can provide the right support to help get them there.

Our mission and passion is about giving every person the chances they need to succeed. It is this passion, this spark, that drives us to make the most of every opportunity, to maximise our connections with people and make an impact.

Diversity and Inclusion

We promise to:

Treat you with dignity, respect and equity
Actively listen to understand your needs
Be honest about what we can do to help you

Take up the challenge to go the extra mile for you
Make it easy to find out more about our services
Ensure our services are timely, relevant and achieve results

Our commitment to child safety

At MAX we are committed to ensuring the safety, wellbeing and protection of our customers, including the children and young people of families we work with.