Tracks to Redemption

Published by MAXSolutions on August 27, 2024
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In the journey from incarceration to reintegration, securing employment is often the crucial bridge that transforms lives. 

In March this year, Yakka Training delivered a Rail Infrastructure Program for our Indigenous ex-offender customers at the MAX Burwood premises.

With the prospect of employment opportunities upon completion, MAX invested in our customers to cover the cost of training, plus hi-vis clothing and work boots. 

The course lasted about 6 weeks, with the customers completing 16 modules to achieve their Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure. 

During the training period, MAX Indigenous Mentor Lance Edwards provided mentorship to the customers, focusing on developing appropriate workplace behaviours and skills to facilitate their reintegration into the workforce post-incarceration. 

Additionally, the MAX Health team also supported one of the customers with overcoming his drug addiction so that he could pass the Category 3 Rail Medical to be eligible for employment.

Unfortunately, unforeseen external events caused the original employment opportunity to fall through.

This news dealt a devastating blow to the customers, whose hopes of reintegration had been built on the prospect of employment.

Their histories of incarceration had fostered deep-rooted skepticism, so it was understandable that they were angry and upset.

MAX recognised that it was vital to continue to support them and maintain their morale and confidence by finding other employment opportunities for them.

Quickly, MAX found one of the customers part-time work in the Sydney CBD and found employment in the rail industry in the regional towns of Narrabri and Singleton for another five customers.

For the roles in regional locations, MAX paid for their travel costs to the worksites while accommodation was provided by the employer. 

One of the customers displayed his strong work ethic while working alongside the head of the company in Narrabri.

The employer was so impressed with this customer that he was offered a full-time permanent position within the company – a rare opportunity within the rail industry. 

With our customers now equipped with their Rail Infrastructure Worker Cards, they are now able to secure work for themselves with different employers. Lance works closely with them, coaching them on using the mobile phone app to find work and provide support to overcome challenges. 

In the meantime, MAX is continuing to work with these customers to secure longer-term employment on the railway corridor for the Western Sydney Airport construction project.

We remain committed to turning new beginnings into opportunities for lasting success. 


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